144 research outputs found

    Effects of Pectin on the Reducing and Non-Reducing Sugar and Total Sugar Percentage of Date Jam

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    The research was performed to study the production and processing of date jam during the year 2011-12 at the Institute of Food Sciences and Technology, Faculty of Crop Production, Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam.This work intended to add value to the date raw material into jam production by standardizing the production process with different pectin concentrations. For this purpose four pectin concentrations were used i.e., 1 g pectin, 2 g pectin, 4 g pectin and 1g pectin + 1 g citric acid.  Chemical analysis such as total sugar, reducing sugar, non reducing sugar, was recorded. The results showed a significant effect of pectin concentration and storage period on the chemical and sensory characteristics of date jams. Moreover, the results from this work revealed essential information that could promote the commercialization of date jam. Keywords: Reducing, Non Reducing, Total, Suger, Date jam

    Development of Efficient, Reproducible and Stable Agrobacterium-Mediated Genetic Transformation of Five Potato Cultivars

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    Napredak metoda transformacije biljnih stanica omogućio je znanstvenicima da ugradnjom gena, indukcijom mutacije ili supstitucijom baza razviju biljke sa željenim svojstvima, i to skoro bez ograničenja. Pritom su genotip i tip eksplatanta važni faktori koji utječu na učinkovitost transformacije krumpira. U ovom je radu razvijen brz i reproducibilan postupak transformacije s pomoću bakterije Agrobacterium tumefaciens za dobivanje stabilnih kultivara krumpira, i to kombinacijom različitih regulatora rasta. Eksplantati lista i internodija pet kultivara krumpira, i to: Lady Olympia, Granola, Agria, Désirée i Innovator inficirani su sojem bakterije Agrobacterium tumefaciens LBA4404, koji sadržava vektor pBIN19 što nosi gen za β-glukuronidazu gusA, čija je ekspresija pod kontrolom promotora 35S CaMV. Metodom PCR potvrđena je prisutnost gena gusA i nptII u regeneriranim biljkama. Molekularna analiza potomstva pokazala je da su oba gena uspješno ugrađena i eksprimirana. Rezultati pokazuju da je kultivar Lady Olympia najprikladniji za uporabu u daljnjim postupcima genetičke transformacije krumpira. Sveukupno gledano, jednostavnost, brzina i reproducibilnost postupka omogućuju njegovu široku primjenu pri uzgoju transgenih kultivara krumpira.The developments in transformation technology have enabled the scientists to incorporate, mutate or substitute gene(s) leading to a particular trait; advancing it to a point where only few technical limitations remain. Genotype dependency and explant types are important factors affecting transformation efficiency in potato. In the present study, a rapid, reproducible and stable Agrobacterium-mediated transformation procedure in potato was developed by a combination of different plant growth regulators. Leaf discs and internodal explants of five cultivars of potato, i.e. Lady Olympia, Granola, Agria, Désirée and Innovator were infected with Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA4404 containing pBIN19 expression vector with β-glucuronidase gusA gene under the control of 35S CaMV promoter. Kanamycin was used as plant selectable marker for screening of primary transformants at concentration of 100 mg/L. Both explants responded positively; internode being more suitable explant for better transformation efficiency. Based on GUS histochemical assay, the transformation efficiency was 22, 20, 18.6, 15 and 10 % using the internodal explant, and 15, 12, 17, 8 and 6 % using leaf discs as explant in Lady Olympia, Granola, Agria, Désirée and Innovator respectively. Furthermore, PCR assays confirmed the presence of gusA and nptII genes in regenerated plants. The molecular analysis in succeeding progeny showed proper integration and expression of both genes. The results suggest Lady Olympia as the best cultivar for future transformation procedures. Overall, the short duration, rapidity and reproducibility make this protocol suitable for wider application of transgenic potato plants

    The impact of cash holding, and exchange rate volatility on the firm’s financial performance of all manufacturing sector in Pakistan

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    Exchange rate movement is a mostly debatable issue amongst economists and strategic financial planners in the economies as a vital phenomenon, of every economy in the developing the world. This study sets out to examine the impact of cash conversion cycle, Size, Age, and exchange rate movement on firms’ financial decisions. The estimation used techniques of static panel data analysis in this study; pooled OLS, random effects, and fixed effects. Interaction techniques are applied to check the impact of the exchange rate by multiplying this variable with the main variables of cash conversion cycle, that is receivable in days and payables in days. The results depict there is a significant negative relationship between return on assets and exchanger rate during the period of review while the beta of cash conversion cycle has negative value; age and size are positive and significant at 1% level with return on assets. Therefore, it is recommended that organizations that have some measure to agreement in foreign currencies can adopt some advanced hedging technique to occupy the exchange rate movements risk to improve firm’s performance

    The Adoption of Management Accounting Practices (Maps) in Small and Medium Enterprises (SME's) of Pakistan

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    The practices of Management Accounting have not been highly adopted in developing countries. But with increased importance of these practices, firms of developing countries are motivated to adopt MAPs. In this research, MAPs align with increased importance of SMEs have been studied and provide understanding to enhance adoption of MAPs in SMEs. This study outlines the usage of MAPs in Pakistani SMEs; identify the contextual factors that affect the adoption of MAPs by SMEs and lastly explore perceived benefits and problems in adoption of these practices.  A mixed methodology was used to collect data. A questionnaire with five categories of MAPs was used to examine the extent of use of MAPs by 100 SMEs of Multan from textile sector. Eight interviews were conducted to identify the factors, benefits and problems. However, the results shows that majority of respondent firms adopt traditional MAPs and other medium sized firms do more focus on contemporary MAPs. The findings of current study can be helpful and informative for practitioners and policy makers in the development of contemporary MAPs as well as provide deep insight for SMEs to enhance their business by adopting these practices

    Studies on the Extraction and Availability of Micronutrients in Soil

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    Chapter one includes the survey of dynamic equilbria and the forms of micronutrients which exists in fractions. The sources of micronutrients as influenced by natural conditions and anthropogenic metal addition are also discussed. The presence of micronutrient cation in different pools and the removal of metals from these pools in soil are reviewed. Extractable levels of micronutrients in soil are affected by various factors. The forms of trace metals as influenced by these factors are also discussed. The objectives of the thesis are to study the removal of micronutrient in soil from different pools and also the changes in the distribution of these metals with plant uptake. Chapter 2 is comprised of the physical properties of the soil study and the slective extraction procedures for the measurement of soil Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni and Zn. Chapter 3 consisted of the removal of exchangeable metal by using simple metal salts. The removal of micronutrients associated with exchangeable fraction in the soil is affected by the nature of the extracting solution, extractant concentration and by the replacing cation. Extraction of exchangeable metals with different salts of acetate, nitrates and chlorides showed non detectable level of Co, Cu and Ni from all the soils. Which indicated that large proportion of these elements are associated with organic and oxide bounds fractions. Nitrates and chlorides appeared to extract large quantity of Mn and Zn and very small amount of Fe. While, ammonium acetate extracted more Fe than Mn and Zn from these soils. It indicates that kind of the cation also plays an important role on the exchange of micronutrients. Amount of Fe, Mn and Zn extracted by various salts of acetate, nitrates and chlorides for most of the soils were increased with the increase of extractant concentrations. Which suggested that higher concentrations of different salts extract a fraction of trace metals from these soils, which was retained by the soil when extracted with lower concentrations of the extracts. Chapter 4 lays emphasis on the removal of metals associated with organic matter and oxide bound fractions. Comparison between the pairs of extractants and individual extractant are studied for the removal of Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn. It is found that there is no big difference betwen the two pairs of extractants. Ammonium EDTA (0.05M) pH 7.0 is suggested a common extractant for the removal of organic matter fraction of Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn in preference to pyrophasphate and sodium hydroxide. As pyrophosphate also affected the oxide pool and NaOH extracted very small amount of Mn and Zn from all the soils. Acid oxalate is suggested for the dissolution of oxide bound fraction, as it extractes more Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn than the hydroxylamine hydrochloride from all the soils. Whereas NH2OH.HCl extractable copper was below the detection limit. In soil extracts metals are present in suspended materials. In this study, soil extracts were cleared by precipitation of suspended materials and organic matter with filtration through 0.45?m filters. It is observed that extractable amount of Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn are decreased after filtration through 0.45?m filters and ultrafiltration of the soil extracts are suggested for further study of these elements. Chapter 5 investigates the influence of continuous cropping of ryegrass on the distribution of Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn in soil using a pot experiment and assessess this by means of specific extractants. Calcium chloride, acetic acid, ammonium EDTA and acid oxalate were used to extract Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn associated with exchangeable, specific adsorbed, organic matter and oxide bound fractions, respectively. It was found that CaCl2 and acetic acid extractable Cu and Fe were very small or below the detection limit, and large quantity of Mn and Zn were present in these pools. Which indicates that Mn and Zn are more easily available to plants than that of Cu and Fe. As the large quantity of Cu and Fe were present in organic matter and oxide fractions, which indicates that organic and oxide fractions are the big reservoir of Cu and Fe. It is also observed that extractable amount of Cu and Zn decreased in the first 10 weeks and than remain unchanged, whereas the amount of Fe and Mn showed a small increased from initial to ist 10 week of samplings and thereafter it remain unchanged. The amount of Cu and Zn taken up by grass are higher in soils with the higher levels of Cu and Zn. The uptake of Mn was higher in soil with high Mn in readily available pools and the uptake of Fe was higher in the soil of lower Fe content, rather than the higher total amounts, suggesting that total Fe and Mn is not a good indicator for plant uptake

    Politics-Bureaucracy Relations in Pakistan: A Case of Local Government

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    Local government is recognized as the nursery of democracy. In Pakistan, it has been the victim of three enemies: military coup, incompetent politicians and corrupt bureaucracy. However, stranglehold of bureaucracy has corroded the local government system from within. Even if 18th amendment provides for the devolution of administrative, political, and financial powers, higher bureaucracy has ironically been hostile to local government. The civilian government’s delay in law-making and reluctance in conducting elections on time has given an edge to bureaucracy to dominate local government. LGO 2001 was an effort to subordinate Civil Servant to elected representative, but this too couldn’t escape the stranglehold of the bureaucracy. Local Government Act 2013 doesn’t also devolve adequate power and empowers bureaucracy as a major actor at grassroots level. Thus, this paper predominantly delves into the nature of relationship between Civil Servants and Local Government to identify the factorsfacilitating conflict between two actors at grassroots level